Sunday, January 11, 2009

The start of a New Year

Although I hate New Years Eve parties, I do love waking up on January 1st to a new year. Something about January first makes you feel refreshed and motivated to "do better" at all those things that had been lagging in the year before. Of course, I started New Year's Day with a nice, healthy lunch of 2 Whoppers from Burger King...ok, so I'm not off to a good start in the healthy living department.
I don't usually have resolutions, but since having Ella, I've put a lot of things on it's time to stop using her as an excuse and start being better about some things. I am also finally going to lose those last 5 pounds!! Not because I think I look bad, just so I can start off the next pregnancy (wink, wink) at my original, pre-baby weight.
My other goal is to be a better housekeeper. Before Ella, I was always so Type A, obsessive compulsive about keeping my home clean. I just can't seem  to get my act together. And I could make time for it...I've just been lazy in the cleaning department. Who wants to clean when you can play peek-a-boo with Ella all day?
So besides becoming more like Martha Stewart and getting post baby abs like Jessica Alba, I'm content with just loving this place I'm in in life. Although Ella continues to throw us the typical challenges that all babies give their parents, I am loving this age! She is so funny and it's so interesting to watch her learn things. I feel like everyday I'm just trying to take in all this wonderfulness. I love that I am her "buddy" now and not just a person who feeds her. I love making her giggles are good for my heart! I can't wait to hear the echoing of many children laughing in this home...but, for now, I am totally in love with my sweet angel sent to us from God.

Dear Ella, How does a mother explain her love for her daughter? I can only tell you that my heart grows larger and larger everyday because you continue to fill it with so much joy. I am so proud to be your mommy. You have brought so much joy to your daddy and me that we weren't ever sure we'd have. You are so special that God made us wait longer to have you in our lives...He had to finish this perfect creation that He knew would give us all the desires of our hearts. We are so blessed!