Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Keep Calm and Act like Lady Mary

This pretty much sums up my weekend; my sister and I are slightly obsessed. I may or may not have paid/bribed my 12 year old niece with money if she would keep the little ones entertained so I could watch it. Ahem.

This is my new life motto

Source: etsy.com via Leslie on Pinterest
I secretly want to be Anna so I can marry Mr. Bates. Isn't he charming? Who cares about rich Matthew. I'll take the valet!


Brittney said...

I've never watched the show but have heard a lot about Downton Abbey - reading your post makes me really want to see it:)

Taylor Wise said...

Love Downton Abbey! I have a sign that says Keep Calm and Carry On in my laundry room, because that is usually where I need the reminder most!

Aspiring Kennedy said...

Downton Abbey is one of the most addicting tv shows and I love it. Personally, I would much rather act like the Dowager Countess than Lady Mary :)