It was a rough night a few nights ago. Ella had decided she missed waking up at night, so she's reverted to waking me up several times this particular night. So, at 2 am when I woke up for now the third time, I thought the dizziness was because I was "just tired". But at 5 am (I've now woken up with Ella about 7 times), I realize I'm not just tired...I'm sick...I'm not even sure I can sit up my head hurts so bad and I'm sweating really bad. As I start to panic, I wake up my loving hubby. It dawns on me that I might actually have to ask for help. It's been 3 1/2 months and I've never asked anyone for help...after all, I'm super-mom (sarcasm)!! As Andrew gets the Tylenol and water, I start to think..."what does a mom do when she's sick?" I mean, I can't call-in sick like I would do for work. I can't tell Ella, "you know, mommy just can't help you today."
Luckily, this panic moment only lasted a moment as I remembered that I had several vaccines during my annual physical the day before. I wasn't really sick...I was just feeling that semi-flu like feeling you get after having vaccines. After two
tylenol, two
advil, and a bunch of water I was better within an hour. But all this got me wondering...what do mommies do when they get sick? I know the obvious answer, but once again realize that this really is the hardest job in the world. Makes me dread flu season for a whole new reason...