So, this post is about 3 weeks overdue. The kids have been sick and Ella and I took an AMAZING trip to Dallas, Texas to see one of my dearest friends in the whole, per usual, life is busy with three wee little ones. I wanted to post a few pictures from the twins first birthday celebration. You would not believe the amount of brainstorming I went through to finally settle with this theme. Because I have an Audrey, I knew I would one day want a Breakfast at Tiffany's theme party for her. So, when I saw a tiffany blue table setting with zebra accents on a wedding party web page, I thought "I can totally turn that into a boy/girl twin party". You would never know it was done on a budget.
The dessert table |
Tiffany Box cupcakes for the girls |
Zebra cupcakes for the boys |
Girl Party favors: a faux pearl bracelet wrapped in a Tiffany's box (the boys all had zebra bags with a little zebra figurine in them-no pictures of them. Boo!) |
Our attempt at a family photo (yes, Ella and I are in little black dresses and she had a tiffany blue ribbon in her hair; Audrey wore a zebra dress with blue bows on the shoulders; Jacob had black and white checked shorts with a tiffany blue stripe on them and a black polo; Andrew wearing a black polo b/c he refused to wear a black button up dress shirt) |
On our children's birthdays, we always release the number of balloons for the number of years they have been alive; it is our thank you sent to heaven to thank God for our blessings-one balloon for each baby this year! |
Audrey still can't eat regular food, but she enjoyed playing in it |
what a mess! |
Jacob thoroughly enjoyed his cupcake |
hilarious |
The pictures of the babies eating their cupcakes were actually taken a couple days before the party on their actual birthday. We let Ella got to the store and pick out the cupcakes so she could feel included.
In lieu of gifts, we had people bring an item to be donated to the Ronald McDonald House. We were lucky to live so close to the NICU that we never needed their services, but I have so much compassion for those families who are there.
It was a special day and a very emotional one for me. To say they are a blessing is an understatement. To say we are thankful doesn't even begin to describe our gratitude. God has great plans for all our children. I will praise Him until the end of my life for blessings and mercy He has bestowed upon our family!