We had big plans to go to the aquarium over Valentines Day weekend for a little family outing. But this little snow storm decided to sweep through the USA and included the southeast in its stops. LOVE IT! If you have to be stuck at home, this is how I would want to spend my day. We had 4 INCHES of powdery, white snow. For us Southerners, 4 inches is magical! I wasn't sure how much the little lady would like it...but, she LOVED IT!

Yes, I purposely matched our coats and put on makeup just to get a pretty picture. I'm kind of vain like that. Hahaha.

Those poor ducks and geese must have been freezing!!
The little lady liked to shake the branches so snow would fall on our heads. She is such a funny little gal!

I had full intentions of taking some really neat Valentines pictures of the little lady with her main man (her daddy), but never got around to it. I still might do it at some point. Stay tuned! It involves rose petals and my cute hubby in a suit.
We are not really Valentines Day people. But, I have such sweet memories of my father giving me a Valentines Day card every year once I became a teenager. He knew that being "that girl" who never had a boyfriend needed to feel loved on a day that makes single people feel kind of rotten. I always felt so loved by this simple tradition. Once again, it shows how important a father's role is in a daughters life.
Speaking of fathers, mine is in Africa right now. He's been there a week already and will be there for about one more. He and other missionaries spend their days doing Bible studies and teaching the African people of Mali about what Christianity REALLY means. Many of the Mali people have heard of Jesus, but they don't really understand what He is all about. I cannot wait till he gets home to hear his stories of how God used them on this trip.My mother heard from him once last week. He said it was 118 degrees! Whew~
Dear Ella,
Happy heart day my love. I don't need roses, or chocolate, or diamonds for Valentines Day. All I need is a day of showing you my love. I can't imagine a better day than playing in the snow with you and your sweet daddy. May you NEVER feel lonely or sad on Valentines Day.
I love you a thousand times,
I love the pictures... My dad is still giving my sisters and I Valentine's cards. I agree the relationship between a father and daughter is so very important, one that is all too often taken for granted.
So sweet! I love all the pictures in the snow!
Thank you SO much for the sweet comment on my blog! I really needed that encouragement today. :-)
I just found your blog through The Yerkes Life- learning to embrace God's plans. I went through and read some of your posts and love how you write a small note for your little girl at the end of each one. Very sweet. You have a beautiful baby! You have now successfully gained another follower! Thanks!
Oh my, LOVE that little red coat!!
I am ALWAYS thinking of the way I will look in pictures if I know I will be in them =)
be vein friend....I am right there with you
thank you so much for your comment. what a gift you have in your Ella. :) looking forward to reading more!!
LOVE the snow...we haven't had a good one like this though in a while! Your daughter is precious!
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