Friday, April 22, 2011

In the beginning-VLOG Part 1

Untitled from Sarah Antweiler on Vimeo.

(Sorry this has taken me so long! I was having some problems uploading it. So, I'm trying a different way. And I'm sorry that it is 8 minutes long...but, I didn't have time to really condense it. That would require me to actually think about what I'm saying and not babble! Ha!)

So, as you can see, I am certainly not some well renounced speaker. Maybe after a couple more times I will get the hang of this. It's way harder than it seems. One thing I left out is that my husband is from South Florida. He is not a "southern boy"...he's an ocean, scuba diving, jeep driving kind of guy...not a lake, truck driving, bass fishing kind of guy. I love that about him. I think that was part of his appeal to me when we first met. He wasn't like any of the guys I had been around growing up. There is nothing "southern" about Andrew...except that he will eat grits! I've trained him well! 


PhaseThreeOfLife said...

You're so cute! Thanks for sharing. It's always nice to put a voice with the writing. Looking forward to more!

P.S. I gave you a blog award:

Amy said...

love this! and... i've been behind on my blog reading so i hadn't seen your new header.....SO BEAUTIFUL!!

katherinemary said...

You are too cute. :)

Anna @ IHOD said...

Well thank you so much for stopping by:)
What a great post to get to know you too!
I consider myself from the south too...frew up in OH but spent high school on in Atlanta....and after you live in the south, you never want to go anywhere else! :D

Unknown said...

Really enjoyed this!

Shawn A. Anderson said...

OH, Sarah - bless your heart! I feel like I just had a cup of coffee with you. I LOVE your idea of video blogging - can't wait to hear more from you!!

Have a blessed Easter! He has risen!

Miss said...

I was editing some pictures while listening to you and I found myself about to respond to you now and then! you were sitting on the couch telling me your story!

I LOVE hearing your voice! seem TOTALLY natural in front of the camera. I HATE seeing msyelf talk to a camera and you sound perfect!